How to properly maintain ELectric Pressure cooker?
In the newly bought ELectric Pressure cooker are generally not "open", should be first in the coarse grinding stone grinding out the Cooker, and then in the fine grinding stone grinding to sharp; with dull ELectric Pressure cooker, if first put in a concentration of 10% salt water soak for a few moments, and then grinding, while grinding side dripping with salt water, so that the Cooker grinding both fast, and grinding sharp; ELectric Pressure cooker with dull, try not to be on the edge of the cylinder or the bottom of the bowl on the grinding and scraping, so as not to damage the blade; Cooker after use, to insert in the Cooker frame, do not throw, to avoid touching damage to the edge; Cooker to be often sharpened, sharpening to do the same number of times positive and negative. Grind both ends with the middle; Cooker are generally placed in a ventilated, dry place, away from water and gas, etc.
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